What are Homophones? 900 Homophone Word List

What are Homophones? 900 Homophone Word List

1. abel – able

2. accede – exceed

3. accept – except

4. acclamation – acclimation

5. acts – ax

6. ad – add

7. adam – atom

8. addition – edition

9. adds – adz – ads

10. adduce – educe

11. adherence – adherents

12. adieu – ado

13. ads – adds – adz

14. aerial – ariel

15. affect – effect

16. affected – effected

17. affects – effects

18. afterward – afterword

19. aid – aide

20. ail – ale

21. air – heir – err

22. aisle – isle – i’ll

23. ale – ail

24. all – awl

25. allowed – aloud

26. allude – elude

27. alluded – eluded

28. allusion – illusion

29. allusive – elusive – illusive

30. aloud – allowed

31. already – all ready

32. altar – alter

33. altogether – all together

34. always – all ways

35. amend – emend

36. analyst – annalist

37. ant – aunt

38. apatite – appetite

39. apprise – apprize

40. arc – ark

41. ariel – aerial

42. ark – arc

43. arrant – errant

44. ascent – assent

45. assistance – assistants

46. ate – eight

47. atom – adam

48. auger – augur

49. aunt – ant

50. aural – oral

51. aureole – oriole

52. away – aweigh

53. awl – all

54. ax – acts

55. axel – axle

56. axes – axis

57. aye – eye – i

58. ayes – eyes

59. baa – bah

60. baal – bail – bale

61. babble – babel

62. bad – bade

63. bah – baa

64. bail – bale – baal

65. bait – bate

66. baited – bated

67. bald – balled – bawled

68. bale – baal – bail

69. ball – bawl

70. balled – bawled – bald

71. balm – bomb – bombe

72. band – banned

73. bard – barred

74. bare – bear

75. baron – barren

76. barred – bard

77. barren – baron

78. basal – basil

79. base – bass

80. based – baste

81. bases – basis

82. basil – basal

83. basis – bases

84. bask – basque

85. bass – base

86. baste – based

87. bate – bait

88. bated – baited

89. bawl – ball

90. bawled – bald – balled

91. bazaar – bizarre

92. be – bee

93. beach – beech

94. bear – bare

95. beat – beet

96. beau – bow

97. bee – be

98. beech – beach

99. been – bin

100. beer – bier

101. beet – beat

102. bell – belle

103. berry – bury

104. berth – birth

105. better – bettor

106. bib – bibb

107. bight – bite – byte

108. billed – build

109. bin – been

110. bird – burred

111. birth – berth

112. bite – byte – bight

113. bizarre – bazaar

114. blew – blue

115. bloc – block

116. blue – blew

117. boar – bore

118. board – bored

119. boarder – border

120. bode – bowed

121. bold – bowled

122. bolder – boulder

123. bomb – bombe – balm

124. bootie – booty

125. border – boarder

126. bore – boar

127. bored – board

128. born – borne

129. borough – burro – burrow

130. bough – bow

131. bouillon – bullion

132. boulder – bolder

133. bow – beau

134. bow – bough

135. bowed – bode

136. bowled – bold

137. boy – buoy

138. braid – brayed

139. braise – brays

140. brake – break

141. brayed – braid

142. brays – braise

143. breach – breech

144. bread – bred

145. break – brake

146. bred – bread

147. breech – breach

148. brewed – brood

149. brews – bruise

150. bridal – bridle

151. broach – brooch

152. brood – brewed

153. brows – browse

154. bruise – brews

155. brut – brute

156. build – billed

157. bullion – bouillon

158. buoy – boy

159. burger – burgher

160. burred – bird

161. burro – burrow – borough

162. bury – berry

163. bussed – bust

164. but – butt

165. buy – by – bye

166. byte – bight – bite

167. cache – cash

168. caddie – caddy

169. cain – cane

170. calendar – calender

171. callous – callus

172. canapé – canopy

173. cane – cain

174. cannon – canon

175. canopy – canapé

176. canter – cantor

177. canvas – canvass

178. capital – capitol

179. carat – carrot – caret – karat

180. carol – carrel

181. carrot – caret – karat – carat

182. cash – cache

183. cast – caste

184. caster – castor

185. cause – caws

186. cedar – seeder

187. cede – seed

188. ceiling – sealing

189. cell – sell

190. cellar – seller

191. censor – sensor

192. cent – scent – sent

193. cents – scents – sense

194. cereal – serial

195. ceres – series

196. cession – session

197. chance – chants

198. chased – chaste

199. chauffeur – shofar

200. cheap – cheep

201. check – czech

202. cheep – cheap

203. chews – choose

204. chic – sheik

205. chile – chilly – chili

206. choir – quire

207. choose – chews

208. choral – coral

209. chord – cord – cored

210. chute – shoot

211. cite – sight – site

212. cited – sided – sighted

213. clack – claque

214. clamber – clammer – clamor

215. claque – clack

216. clause – claws

217. clew – clue

218. click – clique

219. climb – clime

220. clique – click

221. close – clothes – cloze

222. clue – clew

223. coal – cole

224. coarse – course

225. coarser – courser

226. coat – cote

227. coax – cokes

228. coffers – coughers

229. cokes – coax

230. cole – coal

231. collard – collared

232. colonel – kernel

233. complacent – complaisant

234. complement – compliment

235. complementary –

236. complimentary

237. conceded – conceited

238. confirmation –

239. conformation

240. consonance – consonants

241. continence – continents

242. coo – coup

243. coolie – coulee

244. coop – coupe

245. cops – copse

246. coral – choral

247. cord – cored – chord

248. core – corps

249. cored – chord – cord

250. corps – core

251. correspondence – correspondents

252. cote – coat

253. coughers – coffers

254. coulee – coolie

255. council – counsel

256. coup – coo

257. coupe – coop

258. course – coarse

259. courser – coarser

260. cousin – cozen

261. coward – cowered

262. coy – koi

263. cozen – cousin

264. craft – kraft

265. crape – crepe

266. crawl – kraal

267. creak – creek

268. crepe – crape

269. crewel – cruel

270. crews – cruise

271. cruel – crewel

272. cruise – crews

273. cue – queue

274. currant – current

275. curser – cursor

276. cygnet – signet

277. cymbal – symbol

278. cypress – cyprus

279. czech – check

280. dam – damn

281. dane – deign

282. days – daze

283. dear – deer

284. defused – diffused

285. deign – dane

286. dense – dents

287. descent – dissent

288. desert – dessert

289. dew – do – due

290. die – dye

291. diffused – defused

292. disburse – disperse

293. discreet – discrete

294. disperse – disburse

295. dissent – descent

296. draft – draught

297. dual – duel

298. ducked – duct

299. ducks – ducts

300. duct – ducked

301. ducts – ducks

302. due – dew – do

303. duel – dual

304. dun – done

305. dye – die

306. dyeing – dying

307. earn – urn

308. eave – eve

309. edition – addition

310. educe – adduce

311. eek – eke

312. effect – affect

313. effected – affected

314. effects – affects

315. eight – ate

316. eke – eek

317. elicit – illicit

318. elude – allude

319. eluded – alluded

320. elusive – illusive – allusive

321. emend – amend

322. enumerable – innumerable

323. err – air – heir

324. errant – arrant

325. eve – eave

326. ewe – you – yew

327. ewes – yews – use

328. exceed – accede

329. except – accept

330. exercise – exorcise

331. eye – i – aye

332. eyed – i’d

333. eyelet – islet

334. eyes – ayes

335. facts – fax

336. faint – feint

337. fair – fare

338. fairy – ferry

339. fare – fair

340. fate – fete

341. faun – fawn

342. fax – facts

343. faze – phase

344. feat – feet

345. feint – faint

346. fends – fens

347. ferry – fairy

348. fete – fate

349. few – phew

350. fiancé – fiancée

351. fill – phil

352. find – fined

353. finish – finnish

354. fir – fur

355. fisher – fissure

356. flair – flare

357. flea – flee

358. flew – flu – flue

359. flier – flyer

360. flocks – phlox

361. floe – flow

362. flour – flower

363. flow – floe

364. flower – flour

365. flu – flue – flew

366. flyer – flier

367. foaled – fold

368. foe – faux

369. fold – foaled

370. for – four – fore

371. foregone – forgone

372. foreword – forward

373. fort – forte

374. forth – fourth

375. forward – foreword

376. foul – fowl

377. four – fore – for

378. fourth – forth

379. fowl – foul

380. franc – frank

381. frays – phrase

382. frees – freeze – frieze

383. friar – fryer

384. frieze – frees – freeze

385. fryer – friar

386. fur – fir

387. gaff – gaffe

388. gail – gale

389. gait – gate

390. gale – gail

391. gamble – gambol

392. gate – gait

393. gel – jell

394. gene – jean

395. gibe – jibe

396. gild – guild

397. gilder – guilder

398. gilt – guilt

399. gneiss – nice

400. gnome – nome

401. gnu – knew – new

402. gofer – gopher

403. gored – gourd

404. gorilla – guerilla

405. gourd – gored

406. grade – grayed

407. graft – graphed

408. graham – gram

409. graphed – graft

410. grate – great

411. grater – greater

412. grayed – grade

413. grays – graze

414. grease – greece

415. great – grate

416. greater – grater

417. greece – grease

418. grill – grille

419. grisly – grizzly

420. groan – grown

421. guerilla – gorilla

422. guessed – guest

423. guild – gild

424. guilder – gilder

425. guilt – gilt

426. gym – jim

427. hail – hale

428. hair – hare

429. hale – hail

430. hall – haul

431. halve – have

432. handmade – handmaid

433. handsome – hansom

434. hangar – hanger

435. hansom – handsome

436. hare – hair

437. hart – heart

438. haul – hall

439. have – halve

440. hay – hey

441. hays – haze

442. he’d – heed

443. he’ll – heal – heel

444. hear – here

445. heard – herd

446. heart – hart

447. heed – he’d

448. heel – he’ll – heal

449. heir – err – air

450. herd – heard

451. here – hear

452. heroin – heroine

453. hertz – hurts

454. hew – hue – hugh

455. hey – hay

456. hi – high

457. higher – hire

458. him – hymn

459. hire – higher

460. ho – hoe

461. hoard – horde

462. hoarse – horse

463. hoe – ho

464. hoes – hose

465. hold – holed

466. hole – whole

467. holed – hold

468. holey – holy – wholly

469. hoop – whoop

470. horde – hoard

471. horse – hoarse

472. hose – hoes

473. hostel – hostile

474. hour – our

475. hue – hugh – hew

476. humerus – humorous

477. hurts – hertz