20 examples of pronouns in a sentence

20 examples of pronouns in a sentence

1. I take the trash out.
2. You will come with me.
3. He studies every night.
4. I learnt English by myself.
5. You should go take it from him.
6. Why don’t you leave her alone?
7. I will take it from you.
8. This was a threat to us.
9. This gift was especially for you, dear president.
10. Are you going to invite them?
11. He is my best friend.
12. This is mine.
13. You need to go take yours.
14. The bag on the table is his.
15. She will take what is hers.
16. I love dogs.
17. They killed him.
18. She is the best football player in the team.
19. I’ve lost my umbrella. I can’t find them anywhere.
20. Do you know the reason why the market is closed today?