100 Common Collocation Vocabulary Words List

100 Common Collocation Vocabulary Words List

Collocations With GET
get a callget a joke
get a ticketget a letter
get a coldget a shock
get a darkget a clue
get a tanget a job
get out of breathget drunk
get startedget fired
get coolget pregnant
get hungryget one’s hair cut
get togetherget a right
get dressedget upsed
get divorcedget changed
haveget ready forget the impression
get into troubleget wet
get goodget worried
get a chanceget lost
get permissionget stuck
get a degreeget to sleep
get homeget married
get nowhere


Collocations With DO
do businessdo nothing
do the cookingdo the housework
do the shoppingdo your best
do your hairdo home work
do damagedo laundry
do the dishesdo harm
do gooddo the exam
do anythingdo a good job
do your choresdo everything
do sportdo well
do the ironingdo the cleaning
do badlydo business
do exercisesdo a job
do an interviewdo  your make-up
do researchdo the dishes
do an operationdo work
do the math do the maximum
do a favourdo a deal
do cleaningdo account
do a drawingdo friends
Collocations With TAKE
take part in sth.take time
take a looktake a bath
take a showertake a break
take a chancetake a picture
take a seattake notes
take caretake a break
take classtake a rest
take a taxitake an exam
take care oftake your time
take a decisiontake a bite
take a bowtake advice
take a hiketake a risk
take a surveytake the bus
take medicinetake a trip
take parttake lessons
take my placetake a long time
take effecttake cover
take it seriouslytake a vacation
take it aparttake heart
take a coursetake a sit
Collocations With HAVE
have a showerhave a bath
have a washhave a scrub
have a resthave a break
have a naphave a snooze
have a lie downhave a dream
have a holidayhave a day off
have a partyhave fun
have a haircuthave a shave
have a chathave a decision
have a conversationhave a talk
have an argumenthave a dispute
have a fight have a quarrel
have a lecturehave a walk
have a joghave a run
have a swimhave a stretch
have a gamehave a dance
have a drillhave a lesson
have a thinkhave a meal
have luncha snack
have a coffeehave a sweet
Collocations With GO
go homego downtown
go abroadgo North
go Southgo party
go cinemago bank
go a hikego a drink
go a coffeego a meal
go a restgo a nap
go a ridego a drive
go a swimgo a walk
go a rungo doctor’s
go mountainsgo beach
go lakego port
go airportgo supermarket
go a safarigo an adventure
go a cruisego a trip
go holidaygo meeting
go conferencego gig
go concertgo Asia
go Europego prison
go universitygo college